Kilfy: The Last Selfy
'Selfy', a picture taken by self. Since the smartphones with front camera emerged, taking selfy became a craze, especially in youth. They even trade their life for a perfect selfy.…
'Selfy', a picture taken by self. Since the smartphones with front camera emerged, taking selfy became a craze, especially in youth. They even trade their life for a perfect selfy.…
यू ट्यूब पर रोजाना लाखों वीडियो देखें जाते हैं। और इनसे भी ज्यादा वीडियो अपलोड भी किये जाते हैं। पर जो वीडियो अपलोड किए जाते हैं उनमें ज्यादातर वीडियो देखें…
Plastic is not a biodegradable material. But it cam is recycled. There are many things that need plastic to be used as a container. There are many types of plastics.…