Nowadays in the home instead of marble or wood flooring is practiced. It is believed to be quite trendy and stylish. But the scars and scratches on the floor people seem quite upset Junkers flooring brand from the Danish company expert Mansukhani Suresh Kumar says that Protect your wood flooring from scratches and to maintain its greasiness avoid the Wheels for chairs, tables and other furniture. The chairs should use rubber wheels.
If the floor is made of wood in the house should avoid Two-wheeled chairs because the tires are scratches on the floor, He seems to be a very dirty and old.
Avoid walking on the floor wearing shoes, Because small stones and objects are stuck in the bottom of shoes During his run on the floor can become scratched by rubbing on them.
In the market for many types of furniture Tabs(a sort of pad) are present, The chairs and tables are put in under the wheels. you can rotate that Chairs and tables on the floor without any fear.
Rubber wheels started using chairs can maintain the beauty of your floor.
Finishing oil and can get rid of scratches on the floor. Oils are present in the market including for this type of kit. The spots can be substantially reduced. It is important to note that the oil must be of good brands and finishes.
Do not wander around the house wearing slippers or shoes. This soil or clay May put your mark on your beautiful floor.
ये भी पढ़े-कैसे रखें अपने किचन को साफ़ सुथरा
When water, dust, mud or salt falling on the floor Clean it with a soft towel. Use vacuum cleaner or broom daily to protect from dirt and clean. If you do not do this scratch can be found on the floor and You may also lose the shine of the floor. To clean the floor use floor cleaner and to shine the floor you should use the good company polish.