SPORTS WORLD: Why India struggles at sports?

Sports world: After 7 decades of independence still, we are struggling for the recognition in world level sports.

India is good at cricket and hockey which do not world top sports. If we talk about the world level sports, apart from cricket still we are struggling to take the position. If we talk about the Olympic game, some Meanwhile we blame the selection of Olympic sports itself. The whole world is crazy in football where there is not our presence. It’s like a belief we are banned.

SPORTS WORLD- factors that affect sports culture in India

Rural Area

India is a developing country where more than 60% population live in a rural area. Lack of sports knowledge rural guys are out of sports. They are not aware that they can make their career in sports as well as with the rate of poverty in India, youths can only sort for surviving means rather than pursue a sports career.

Lack of sports activity

In our society, schools or college we do not give importance to sports. We are focused on education. India doesn’t have a sports culture like theater arts, drama, acting. Our Parents do not encourage us for the sports. Our parents want to get a secure life and according to them- doing a government job is a best, for living a secure life. There is a phrase- “PADHOGE LIKHOGE BANOGE NAWAB, KHELOGE KUDOGE TO BANOGE KHARAB” I know you are laughing at this phrase but it’s right in our society.

Lack of Infrastructure & Technology

Infrastructure and technology are one of the major problems. If we talk about Playground, equipment, trainer and the likes are not in major cities. India has talents but where they practice? Who will train them? Where is the latest technology?

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Apart from cricket other sports organisation have a sponsorship problem. The company does not want to give sponsorship to other sports. Company Owner doesn’t want to take the risk. This is a challenge for the organisation and they are facing and struggling.

These are not least education, poverty, health, population, political issue is also a barrier for Indian sports, that’s why India is struggling at sports!

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